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Short-time Fourier Transform

openseize.spectra.estimators.stft(data, fs, axis=-1, resolution=0.5, window='hann', overlap=0.5, detrend='constant', scaling='density', boundary=True, padded=True, asarray=True)

A Short-Time Fourier Transform estimator.

This estimator is useful for estimating changes in the frequency or phase content of a non-stationary signal over time.

The STFT breaks a sequence of data into overlapping segments and computes a modified (windowed) Discrete Fourier Transform for each segment. This results in a sequence of complex values containing the frequency and phase content in each segment. These segments are then concatenated to create an estimate of the frequency content as a function of time X(frequency, time). This is the STFT estimate.


Name Type Description Default
data Union[npt.NDArray[np.float64], Producer]

An ndarray or producer whose stft is to be estimated.

fs float

The sampling rate of the data.

axis int

The sample axis of the data. The estimate will be carried out along this axis.

resolution float

The frequency resolution of the estimate in Hz for each segment. The resolution determines the number of DFT frequencies between [0, fs) to use to estimate the power spectra. The number of DFT points is fs // resolution.

window str

A string name for a scipy window to be applied to each data segment before computing the modified DFT of that segment. For a full list of windows see

overlap float

A percentage in [0, 1) of the data segment that should overlap with the next data segment. If 0 this estimate is equivalent to Bartletts method (2).

detrend str

A string indicating whether to subtract the mean ('constant') or subtract a linear fit ('linear') from each segment prior to computing the estimate for a segment. Default is 'constant'.

scaling str

Determines the normalization to apply to the estimate. If 'spectrum' the modulus of the estimate squared will have units V^2 for each segment and if density the modulus squared of the estimate for each segment will have units V^2/Hz.

boundary bool

A boolean indicating if data should be padded along axis at both ends with nfft//2 zeros. Here nfft is the number of dft points in a segment (fs/resolution). If True, the endpts of the signal will receive the same window weight as all other points allowing for accurate reconstruction of the signal from the stft estimate through inversion (istft not implemented).

padded bool

A boolean indicating if the signal should be extended with zeros so that an integer number of windows covers the signal. This ensures that all of the signal is used in the estimate and can be recovered via inversion. In contrast psd drops the last segment if less than nfft in size. Default is True.

asarray bool

A boolean indicating if the estimator should attempt to return the result as an ndarry. If False the returned result will be a producer that produces segments of the STFT estimate.


Scipy allows for non-zero boundary padding. Since zero extension has the simple interpretation of frequency interpolation of the FFT, openseize only allows for zero extensions of the boundaries.


Type Description
Tuple[npt.NDArray[np.float64], npt.NDArray[np.float64], npt.NDArray[np.float64]]

A tuple (freqs, time, X):

  • freqs: A 1-D array of frequencies at the requested resolution.
  • time: A 1-D array of times for the segments used in the estimate.
  • X: The STFT estimate. A channels x frequencies x time ndarray or a producer of ndarrays each of shape channels x frequencies. The length of the time axis will be nfft-overlap * nfft + 1 samples along axis where nfft = fs // resolution.


>>> # import demo data and make a producer
>>> from openseize.demos import paths
>>> from openseize.file_io.edf import Reader
>>> from openseize import producer
>>> from openseize.spectra.estimators import stft
>>> fp = paths.locate('recording_001.edf')
>>> reader = Reader(fp)
>>> pro = producer(reader, chunksize=10e4, axis=-1)
>>> freqs, time, estimate = stft(pro, fs=5000, axis=-1)
>>> freqs.shape, time.shape, estimate.shape
((5001,), (3776,), (4, 5001, 3776))


  • (1) Oppenheim, Alan V., Ronald W. Schafer, John R. Buck “Discrete-Time Signal Processing”, Prentice Hall, 1999.
  • (2) B. Porat, "A Course In Digital Signal Processing" Chapters 4 & 13. Wiley and Sons 1997.
Source code in openseize/spectra/
def stft(data: Union[npt.NDArray[np.float64], Producer],
         fs: float,
         axis: int = -1,
         resolution: float = 0.5,
         window: str = 'hann',
         overlap: float = 0.5,
         detrend: str = 'constant',
         scaling: str = 'density',
         boundary: bool = True,
         padded: bool = True,
         asarray: bool = True
) -> Tuple[npt.NDArray[np.float64],
    """A Short-Time Fourier Transform estimator.

    This estimator is useful for estimating changes in the frequency or
    phase content of a non-stationary signal over time.

    The STFT breaks a sequence of data into overlapping segments and
    computes a modified (windowed) Discrete Fourier Transform for each
    segment. This results in a sequence of complex values containing the
    frequency and phase content in each segment. These segments are then
    concatenated to create an estimate of the frequency content as
    a function of time X(frequency, time). This is the STFT estimate.

            An ndarray or producer whose stft is to be estimated.
            The sampling rate of the data.
            The sample axis of the data. The estimate will be
            carried out along this axis.
            The frequency resolution of the estimate in Hz for each segment.
            The resolution determines the number of DFT frequencies between
            [0, fs) to use to estimate the power spectra. The number of DFT
            points is fs // resolution.
            A string name for a scipy window to be applied to each data
            segment before computing the modified DFT of that segment. For
            a full list of windows see
            A percentage in [0, 1) of the data segment that should overlap
            with the next data segment. If 0 this estimate is equivalent to
            Bartletts method (2).
            A string indicating whether to subtract the mean ('constant') or
            subtract a linear fit ('linear') from each segment prior to
            computing the estimate for a segment. Default is 'constant'.
            Determines the normalization to apply to the estimate. If
            'spectrum' the modulus of the estimate squared will have units
            V^2 for each segment and if density the modulus squared of the
            estimate for each segment will have units V^2/Hz.
            A boolean indicating if data should be padded along axis at both
            ends with nfft//2 zeros. Here nfft is the number of dft points
            in a segment (fs/resolution). If True, the endpts of the signal
            will receive the same window weight as all other points allowing
            for accurate reconstruction of the signal from the stft estimate
            through inversion (istft not implemented).
             A boolean indicating if the signal should be extended with
             zeros so that an integer number of windows covers the signal.
             This ensures that all of the signal is used in the estimate and
             can be recovered via inversion. In contrast psd drops the
             last segment if less than nfft in size. Default is True.
            A boolean indicating if the estimator should attempt to return
            the result as an ndarry. If False the returned result will be
            a producer that produces segments of the STFT estimate.

        Scipy allows for non-zero boundary padding. Since zero extension has
        the simple interpretation of frequency interpolation of the FFT,
        openseize only allows for zero extensions of the boundaries.

        A tuple (freqs, time, X):

         -  freqs: A 1-D array of frequencies at the requested resolution.
         -  time: A 1-D array of times for the segments used in the estimate.
         -  X: The STFT estimate. A channels x frequencies x time ndarray or
            a producer of ndarrays each of shape channels x frequencies. The
            length of the time axis will be nfft-overlap * nfft + 1 samples
            along axis where nfft = fs // resolution.

        >>> # import demo data and make a producer
        >>> from openseize.demos import paths
        >>> from openseize.file_io.edf import Reader
        >>> from openseize import producer
        >>> from openseize.spectra.estimators import stft
        >>> fp = paths.locate('recording_001.edf')
        >>> reader = Reader(fp)
        >>> pro = producer(reader, chunksize=10e4, axis=-1)
        >>> freqs, time, estimate = stft(pro, fs=5000, axis=-1)
        >>> freqs.shape, time.shape, estimate.shape
        ((5001,), (3776,), (4, 5001, 3776))


    - (1) Oppenheim, Alan V., Ronald W. Schafer, John R. Buck
      “Discrete-Time Signal Processing”, Prentice Hall, 1999.
    - (2) B. Porat, "A Course In Digital Signal Processing" Chapters
      4 & 13. Wiley and Sons 1997.

    pro = producer(data, chunksize=int(fs), axis=axis)

    # convert requested resolution to DFT pts
    nfft = int(fs / resolution)

    freqs, time, result = nm.stft(pro, fs, nfft, window, overlap, axis,
                                    detrend, scaling, boundary, padded)

    # attempt to return ndarray if requested
    if asarray:

        if is_assignable(result):
            result = np.stack(list(result), axis=-1)

    return freqs, time, result